This picture shows Hillsborough Park during July's Tramlines music festival, and how it is looking now.This picture shows Hillsborough Park during July's Tramlines music festival, and how it is looking now.
This picture shows Hillsborough Park during July's Tramlines music festival, and how it is looking now.

Hillsborough Park Sheffield: Pictures show how park now looks three weeks after Tramlines Festival mudbath

This is how Hillsborough Park, Sheffield, is looking – three weeks after being turning into a mudbath by the Tramlines Festival.

Thousands of music fans turned out for the festival, which ran between Friday, July 21, and Sunday, July 23. But torrential rain meant that the popular park was churned up by people in the park, with some festival goers using the park for mud slides.

These latest pictures that we took on Tuesday, August 15 show how repairs are coming along.

The areas of the park which were churned up by fans at the popular festival can still be seen to be fenced off, with expanses of brown soil where a month ago there was green grass. And residents can be seen walking through the pathways between the steel wire fences that encircle those parts of the park.

Residents raised concerns after the festival over the state the park was in, at what was the start of the schools’ summer holidays.

Contractors began ground repair work at Hillsborough Park on Monday, July 31, and Tramlines organisers say areas which require repair will remain fenced off for safety while the work is carried out and to allow recovery once completed. These areas will be opened in stages as they are ready.

Reinstatement work in each area includes combinations of removal of debris; removal of top layer; new topsoil and sand; re-seeding and fertiliser; aeration; heavy rolling; and protection while existing grass recovers or new growth is established.

The Bike Park, Tennis Courts and the path between Broughton and Middlewood Road opened on Wednesday, July 26.

The multi-use games area was opened alongside the area south of The Walled Garden and Hillsborough Library on Saturday, July 29, meaning park users can now walk round to the Depot Bakery.

The pond area next to the pump track is open, however there is no through route to the park. If you wish to cross the park, you have towalk around the pond to use the paths between Broughton and Middlewood Road or Penistone and Middlewood Road.

The last of the festival infrastructure was removed on Thursday, July 3. All infrastructure now in the park is associated with reinstatement work.

The areas of the park which were churned up by fans at the popular festival can still be seen to be fenced off, with expanses of brown soil where a month ago there was green grass. And residents can be seen walking through the pathways between the steel wire fences that encircle those parts of the park.

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