Our gallery shows some of shop and place names in Sheffield which will have you looking twiceOur gallery shows some of shop and place names in Sheffield which will have you looking twice
Our gallery shows some of shop and place names in Sheffield which will have you looking twice

Sheffield place names: 10 bizarre and funny Sheffield place names that make people look twice

Some of them will make you laugh – some may leave you puzzled.

Either way, the names of this selection of Sheffield businesses and street names show some of the names in the city that are often talking points among those who see them for the first time.

So many streets and businesses have completely unexceptional names – but every so often a sign catches the eye that is bound to raise a smile or trigger a double-take.

Here are 10 of the funniest roads and shops in Sheffield.

Here are 10 of the funniest roads and shops in Sheffield.

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