Sheffield pays tribute to the fallen on Remembrance Sunday in Barker's PoolSheffield pays tribute to the fallen on Remembrance Sunday in Barker's Pool
Sheffield pays tribute to the fallen on Remembrance Sunday in Barker's Pool

Remembrance Sunday Sheffield: Best photos from Barker's Pool service as huge crowd pays tribute to war dead

Sheffield fell silent as a huge crowd gathered to pay their respects to service men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Hundreds of people attended the moving Remembrance Sunday service at Barker’s Pool in Sheffield city centre, from young cadets to veterans who have witnessed the horrors of war. The commemorations were particularly poignant, taking place in the 40th anniversary year of the Falklands War, during which HMS Sheffield was destroyed, killing 20 crew members. They also came as the conflict continues to rage in Ukraine, from where Sheffield has taken in many refugees fleeing the Russian invasion.

After the Last Post was sounded, the two-minute silence was immaculately observed, and wreaths were then laid at the foot of the cenotaph. There were teary faces in the crowd as those gathered remembered not just those killed in battle but everyone who has served in wars over the years, many of whom still carry the physical and emotional scars from doing so. One of the most moving moments was a poem written and read by Molly Meleady-Hanley about a young soldier from the Sheffield Pals battalion who was killed in the war, and the impact on his grief-stricken family.

The Barker’s Pool service was one of many taking place across Sheffield on Remembrance Sunday, and readers of The Star shared their personal stories showing why it is so important to them that we never forget the sacrifices made.

Glenys Taylor commented: “Remembering all the heroes who lost their lives to let us live, and to all the survivors with their memories of their comrades who never made it. God bless you all and my two uncles who never came home. One died in the trenches, the other one who was only 16 died of frostbite (he lied about his age to get in the army. Lest we forget all of you past and present.”

Pat France wrote: “My dad (Dennis) was in the Navy and took me to this every year. Trouble was I was too young to really understand it. Wish he was here now to take me.” Ann Lee said: “I've been to the one in Totley this morning, to remember my Dad who fought in Burma at the horrendous Battle of Kohima against the Japanese.”

Hollie Jonson commented: “My grandad was a paratrooper in WWII and my great grandad was in the battle of Passchendaele and was also a POW. Lest we forget.” And Jacqueline Butterley wrote: “God bless all who lost their lives, and god bless those who came home but were never the.same. We will remember them.”

The Barker’s Pool service was one of many taking place across Sheffield on Remembrance Sunday, and readers of The Star shared their personal stories showing why it is so important to them that we never forget the sacrifices made.

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