Sheffield is home to many highly-rated Italian restaurants.Sheffield is home to many highly-rated Italian restaurants.
Sheffield is home to many highly-rated Italian restaurants.

Food Standards Agency: This is how Sheffield's 16 top-rated Italian restaurants fare on the food hygiene scale

Sheffield is home to dozens of Italian restaurants – but how do our favourite venues perform when it comes to the important issue of food hygiene?

Good food hygiene is paramount for restaurants to ensure that their customers are kept safe from food poisoning or other conditions. Food hygiene can be defined as hygienic handling of food, which includes the preparation, cooking, cooling, re-heating and storage. However the Food Standards Agency will also look at the cleanliness and condition of the facilities and building, as well as the management of food safety when carrying out an inspection of a premises.

Italian cuisine is a big hit in Sheffield, with its popularity shown by the many restaurants specialising in all things pizza and pasta. We have taken the highest-rated Italian restaurants on Google to the Food Standards Agency’s website to see how they have been rated.

Every food establishment is given a food hygiene score ranging from zero, meaning urgent improvements are required, up to five, meaning the business fully complies with relevant food laws.

Check out how our city’s top-rated Italian restaurants on Google fare on the food hygiene scale.

Every food establishment is given a food hygiene score ranging from zero, meaning urgent improvements are required, up to five, meaning the business fully complies with relevant food laws.