The killers of the nine South Yorkshire murder victims pictured here have never been caughtThe killers of the nine South Yorkshire murder victims pictured here have never been caught
The killers of the nine South Yorkshire murder victims pictured here have never been caught

The faces of 15 beloved South Yorkshire murder victims whose killers have never been caught

The killers of the 15 beloved South Yorkshire murder victims pictured here have never been brought to justice, and are still roaming the streets.

The fatal acts of violence that led to their deaths changed the lives of their friends and families forever.

We are once again sharing the details of these cases in a bid to ensure each murder victim is never forgotten; and to also keep the circumstances of their deaths fresh in case someone out there could help to finally bring their killers to justice, drawing an awful chapter in the lives of grieving loved ones to a close.

Among them is 21-year-old Kavan Brissett, who was stabbed to death in a targeted attack when violence flared off Langsett Walk, Upperthorpe, in August 2022.

If you think you have any information which may help South Yorkshire Police please call the force on 101.

Among them is 21-year-old Kavan Brissett, who was stabbed to death in a targeted attack when violence flared off Langsett Walk, Upperthorpe, in August 2022.