Drug offenders with links to weapons are now behind barsDrug offenders with links to weapons are now behind bars
Drug offenders with links to weapons are now behind bars

Sheffield Crown Court: Faces of drug offenders linked to weapons including pepper spray, knives and guns

Judges and police have recently raised concerns about the growing number of drug-offenders who have been linked to weapons across Sheffield and South Yorkshire along with the inherent dangers posed to the general public.

The judicial system and South Yorkshire Police have been eager to address the problem in an effort to stamp it out by way of crackdown operations, convictions and by sending out messages that such offending will not be tolerated.

Here are the faces of 10 defendants who have been locked up after they were linked to drugs and weapons or drug dealing and weapons in recent months.

The Recorder of Sheffield - Judge Jeremy Richardson QC - has highlighted the danger of armed drug dealers after a teenager was stabbed to death, and Judge Michael Slater has stated that drugs and guns are the “scourge of South Yorkshire”.

Here are the faces of 10 defendants who have been locked up after they were linked to drugs and weapons or drug dealing and weapons in recent months.