Offenders who preyed on vulnerable victimsOffenders who preyed on vulnerable victims
Offenders who preyed on vulnerable victims

Faces of ten despicable and cowardly offenders who preyed on vulnerable victims

Judges rightly brought the full weight of the law down on these 10 despicable and cowardly offenders who preyed upon vulnerable victims.

These offenders took advantage or had no regard for their victims’ vulnerabilities whether it was their young or old age, their disabilities or whether they were pregnant and expecting a child.

Judges could not fail to notice how these defendants exploited their victims’ vulnerabilities in each of these cases by either scaring them, attacking them or stealing from them.

In one case two half-brothers beat a disabled man to death, in another a violent husband smashed his wife over the head with a hammer and robbers, burglars and thieves all preyed upon the elderly and disabled.

But these defendants who failed to be dissuaded from their crimes due to the vulnerabilities of their victims have all been put behind bars for their heartless and cowardly offending.

Judges could not fail to notice how these defendants exploited their victims’ vulnerabilities in each of these cases by either scaring them, attacking them or stealing from them.