Some of the buildings and sites which have been nominated for inclusion on the South Yorkshire Local Heritage ListSome of the buildings and sites which have been nominated for inclusion on the South Yorkshire Local Heritage List
Some of the buildings and sites which have been nominated for inclusion on the South Yorkshire Local Heritage List

Sheffield history: Nine distinctive buildings which could be listed, including pubs, old school and bomb store

Some of Sheffield's most unique and distinctive buildings could soon get extra protection against demolition or alteration.

The city is already home to hundreds of nationally listed structures and sites, from Sheffield Cathedral to the old John Lewis store at Barker’s Pool. There is also a growing register of locally listed buildings, monuments and other sites deemed to be of ‘local significance’ and thus worthy of preservation.

The Star recently revealed how this South Yorkshire Local Heritage List already includes an old cinema, a former department store, a converted swimming pool and several pubs – one of which, The Plough, in Crosspool, is being demolished, showing the limitations of the protected status.

There are many more buildings and structures vying for admission onto the list, which have been nominated for inclusion, with a decision pending. While local listing doesn’t confer the same level of protection in the planning process as national listing, it does indicate a building’s historical importance to the neighbourhood in which it is located. Below are some of the more notable candidates nominated to be locally listed in Sheffield.

To view the South Yorkshire Local Heritage List in full, and to nominate somewhere for inclusion, visit:

There are many more buildings and structures vying for admission onto the list, which have been nominated for inclusion, with a decision pending. While local listing doesn’t confer the same level of protection in the planning process as national listing, it does indicate a building’s historical importance to the neighbourhood in which it is located. Below are some of the more notable candidates nominated to be locally listed in Sheffield.

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