Today's columnist, Bob Brown: Choose the right time to sell

For sales signs in Sheffield. Picture: Andrew RoeFor sales signs in Sheffield. Picture: Andrew Roe
For sales signs in Sheffield. Picture: Andrew Roe
Spring is seen as boom time for house sales. In fact give an estate agent the merest hint that you're thinking of selling your house and you'll unleash a raft of communication as they try to persuade you that the start of the year is ground zero in terms of sales.

But I really don’t agree that’s the case.

If everyone followed that mantra the market would be absolutely flooded with houses as we move into spring and yours might not get a look in.

You’d also get a situation where estate agents would be totally pulled out and you might miss the boat altogether.

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I firmly believe you need to be selling your house at the time that is right for you.

When someone decides to sell a home it isn’t a decision they’ve arrived at lightly.

This a massive, life-changing decision that normally comes around because of increasing family size, downsizing to a smaller home or relocating for a new job.

Contrary to the advice of many, there really are advantages and disadvantages to selling your home at any time of the year.

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Take the winter months. If you put your property on the market in December you’ll beat the spring rush and face less competition – few people do that and it can give you a distinct advantage.

You’re also selling at a time when there are proven spikes in people looking to buy a property.

This is because January is statistically the highest time of the year for relationship breakdowns.

Summer is traditionally seen as the time to be able to show off your home to its best effect.

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Hot weather provides the opportunity to open French doors and show off gardens at their very best.

Lovely blue skies allow you to get amazing exterior photos for adverts and brochures.

But even this period isn’t without its downside.

Children are off school and apparent neighbourhood tranquillity can be shattered by marauding kids.

Viewings can slow down in August due to so many people being on holiday.

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And though you might sell the house you listed in summer, it’s likely you won’t actually be moving until the winter.

So always choose the time that’s right for you and don’t let estate agents persuade you otherwise!

If you want to find out more please contact me at: [email protected]

* Bob Brown, EweMove estate agency franchise

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