Your View: The Bible

“Why do they bother to take their Easter, Whitsun and Christmas holidays?”

B Wilkinson



Not so long ago in the letters column of The Star, one reader expressed the view that the Bible was no longer relevant in society today. Everyone, no matter who they are, has every right to their own opinion on this. However, allow me to point out that centuries ago in France a notorious atheist boasted exactly the same thing, but some time after his death his home became the headquarters of a famous Bible society! What an ironic twist.

How do sceptics explain away the many hundreds of mind-boggling prophecies in the Old Testament that were fulfilled by the Lord Jesus in exact detail, some of them were uttered over 700 years before he came. If people say they don't believe in Christianity, why do they bother to take their Easter, Whitsun and Christmas holidays? Over many centuries thousands of people have been martyrs for their faith, don't try to tell me they were all wrong and deluded! I heard of one man who proclaimed the words, "I am an atheist and I thank God for it"!

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