Biking their way to confidence

PEDAL Power looks set to be recruited in a South Yorkshire village to help keep law and order. For Aston Parish Council is thinking of buying a bike to allow a Police Community Support Officer to spend more time there.

It will mean the officer can get to the village from base four miles away at Brinsworth more quickly, allowing more time to patrol the village beat.

With all the emphasis these days on how science is revolutionising police work, particularly with developments in harnessing DNA for solving cold cases which were beyond detection at the time they were committed, it is easy to believe that old fashioned police methods have no place in today’s society.

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But this shows that there is still merit in time-tested methods of building links with the communities the police serve. And being out and about remains the basis for good relationships and developing confidence.

Bethany has a heart of kindness

HATS off to ten-year-old Bethany Harcourt who has decided to repay staff at Sheffield Children’s Hospital as a way of saying thankyou for treatment she received there recently after she suffered breathing problems.

She has donated her pocket money, and collected other cash, to hand over 40 to the hospital’s Bear Two appeal for a specialist ambulance.

It not only tells us that Bethany is a very caring and special young lady, it is also a tribute to the hospital which clearly made a real impression on her.

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We often hear of local hospitals going to great lengths with patients but it is rare to learn of so young a patient noticing the special treatment they have received. What a heartening story!

Rabbits in the rain

THE wettest summer in living memory isn’t only bad for householders... it’s a disaster for Britain’s rabbits. The damp conditions led to a dangerous rise in myxomatosis, the disease that almost wiped out the rabbit population in the 1950s. And you thought damp carpets and an insurance claim were a problem.