Cornish to start operating a protection racket

Newcastle Vipers enforcer Andre Payette believes that Steelers' capture of Jeremy Cornish will mean a few less cuts and bruises for the Sheffield side's flair players.

The 6ft 3in power forward has a reputation for bullying opponents and says most other clubs' tough guys were relishing playing against the small Steelers forward line...until Cornish signed.

"I looked at Sheffield's forwards and thought, they are skilled, quick but small and they have no-one to look after them...I will have some fun bullying them.

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"Then they signed Corney, a good move in my book or every other team would have taken liberties against them.

"I bet the forwards like Shepherd and Finnerty were calling coach Dave Matsos saying 'sign some toughness will you?' "

Payette has played the last two seasons with Cornish in Newcastle.

"I am friends with Corney but we both know that we will fight this year, maybe every game. When we fight we both fight to win, fight to hurt each other; that's our role on the team and what we are paid to do. It's the toughest job in pro sport but we both love it.

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"As a player on another team whose job it is to bully and stir things up you know that at some point Corney will be out alongside you, chirping in your ear, telling you to calm down. You're never going to do that otherwise that's a victory for him, so it's tighten up your chin straps and let's go to centre ice and sort this out like real men

"Corney has taken to many blows to the head though, he still thinks he is the toughest power forward in the league, the same applies to Voth in Cardiff, Clouthier in Manchester and Shymr in Nottingham. Everyone knows I am!"


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