Your View: Energy bills

Now is the time to act

Barney Cook

CEO Eversmart


This week has been a big one for the energy industry, with the confirmation from Ofgem on Tuesday that the annual price cap on energy bills will be set at £1,137.

bWhile this will go some way to helping people in Sheffield to afford to heat their homes, much more needs to be done to repair the broken relationship between consumers and energy providers.

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Proof in point; 60% of households in Sheffield aren't happy with their current energy supplier while 70% don't feel that energy companies give a good experience to local families. These are big numbers and illustrate the scale of the issue.

If we, as suppliers, want to fix that, we need to start placing more emphasis on the things that really matter, such as better care and service.

Consumers want to feel looked after by their energy supplier, they want to be more than just a number on a piece of paper.

But the power to fix the relationship doesn't rest with us alone. Consumers have the power to switch, and if people in Sheffield aren't satisfied with their supplier, now is the time to act.