EU votes

B Heaton, (Letters, April 12), takes Cyril Olsen to task for daring to criticise the EU.

He says we have 10 per cent voting rights in the EU, leaving others in total with 90 per cent and implies we should be grateful.

This makes the UK the worst outvoted country in the EU.

As a remainer obviously agreeing it’s OK, we as proud Britons and Brexiteers do not.

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That is one reason Leave won the referendum and Remain lost.

Then more ‘waffle’ telling Cyril he doesn’t get to vote for Mrs May, Davis, Johnson etc., on his parliament ballot paper.

Does B Heaton get to vote for Marxists Corbyn, Mcdonnell, Abbott etc., on his?

I don’t think so!

But he will get saddled with them and Momentum IF they ever get into No 10.

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As for Farage, he worked to get us out of the corrupt EU and that was the ONE reason people voted UKIP, now a spent force.

As for Tory Party agendas has he forgotten Labour’s?

Open-door policy, every Tom, Dick and Harry welcome, no checks, come on in the Labour government will look after you while ignoring our own and ruining the UK.

Even Jeremy Corbyn says Labour party policy is to make sure the people’s wish on leaving the EU is honoured.

Looks like B Heaton, as a member of Corbyn’s club, would ignore his leader on that one too.

Terry Palmer

South Lea Avenue, Hoyland , Barnsley, S74

Disabled adaption

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My auntie who lived in a council house next door to us sadly recently died.

Her home had previously been adapted for someone disabled, when her terminally ill daughter came home for a short while before she died.

The door into the living room had been widened and the floors altered so that a wheelchair could be more easily used etc.

There is also a path with a handrail outside that leads up to the house .

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At the time the council said it was classed as a home with disabled adaptations.

So seeing all those alterations were done to a small two-bedroomed house, with a downstairs toilet, we were shocked to see, those alterations removed and to find the home was now not going to be given to a disabled person.

While I understand housing stock is low, and urgently required, those adaptations must have cost us council tax payers quite a lot of money, plus it’s taken more than a month for the council to make these changes.

I am very dismayed by how the council seems to waste money and in their seeming disregard for disabled people.

S Ashton


You know it makes sense

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I was very interested to read your regular correspondent, Mr Palmer’s letter on democracy. I confess I am not a great fan of his views and do wish he could learn to tone down his personal attacks on individuals I assume he has never even met.

However, on this occasion I think our views are becoming in-line, and I believe he is becoming a Remainer. I’ve come to this view as he seems to believe that Parliamentary democracy is not working. He thinks MPs, (although democratically elected), do not reflect the views of their constituents.

Indeed he ‘seems’ to be implying that MPs are not fit to vote in such an important matter and by inference is suggesting that they should be listening to the people.

I think this probably refers to the absolute shambles that Brexit has become and Terry realises that a second referendum is the only way out of the mess.

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I agree, I think by now most sensible people realise that we need to be a part of a modern dynamic Europe, and not stuck outside, lost in the Atlantic fog – both literally and metaphorically!

Well done to Terry for the U-turn, you know it makes sense.

Now lets see if we can get the message out.

M E Roper


Vandalism of city’s heritage

An interesting letter in The Star, (March 22), from David Warsop who claims ‘nothing has changed for centuries’ and from his comments one gets the impression that things happen over which we have no control and that we are unable to change.

Sadly, regarding trees, he may well be right as we don’t appear to have learnt from past mistakes, as one would have hoped that in these supposedly enlightened times we would have progressed from the 1800s to which he refers and recognise their immense value and the important role they play in our environment, especially in protecting us from the present days high levels of air pollution.

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We must, however, not forget the wonderful legacy the Victorians left us, as they planted many of our magnificent street trees that the council are now hell-bent on destroying. He mentions having read my ‘tree moaning’ letters as though he regards my complaints about the felling of thousands of healthy trees in our city as unnecessary. Well, all I can say is there has to be something terribly wrong with a council that sanctions such large-scale destruction, fails to engage with the views of its citizens and allows peaceful campaigners to be bullied, intimidated, assaulted and arrested (including one very ‘dangerous’ lady protester blowing a horn) simply for trying to protect the city’s beautiful trees.

Originally at the start of the programme around 1,000 trees were deemed dangerous, diseased or dying and would need to be felled, but as things have progressed thousands of perfectly healthy trees have become the victims of the chainsaw.

At the end of last year the number of fellings stood at over 6,000 but we now hear a figure of 17,500 is written into the Amey contract.

However, I believe the true target is really 36,000 as the council and Amey will not be satisfied until ALL the city’s highway trees have been destroyed in order to save on maintenance costs.

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I think this deplorable action more than justifies the ‘moanings’ from myself and the actions of the tree campaigners against this appalling and unnecessary environmental vandalism of our city’s heritage.

Susan Richardson

Westminster Crescent, Lodge Moor, Sheffield, S10

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