British people said they wanted out

Ruth Grimsley

Oak Park, Sheffield, S10

I'm not going to comment on the debate between Angela Smith MP and our fearless and forthright Cyril Olsen, as I'm sure they're both capable of slogging things out themselves.

However, I have to write to point out that once more Veronica Hardstaff, (letter, Sheffield Star, January 4), is making exactly the same errors relating to the EU referendum result as she did before.

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Ms Hardstaff: the people were asked, and they said they wanted out, no matter what the hardship. They really did.

No doubt Ms Smith advised her constituents of her views on the EU, but as it happened, a lot of them simply didn't agree with her, and voted Leave.

As for the idea that we should stay in the EU because it's hard to leave it, that is frankly preposterous.

By that argument, the EU could resolve to start World War Three, or state that everyone must give up eating meat and drinking alcohol, or decide that the moon is made of green cheese, and we'd still have to stay in it.

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In any event, Ms Hardstaff, what makes you think a second referendum would go your way?

A lot of people are truly fed up with the difficulties being placed in our way by the EU.

That sort of thing makes British folk dig in their heels: so you might get an even bigger majority in favour of leaving than last time.

As I wrote in these columns, I voted Remain: but if there were a second referendum, I might just vote Leave because I cannot bear to see the will of the people subverted by political leaders who are convinced that their electorate doesn't know what it's doing.

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