Unchallenged uselessness

I saw in Thursday's Star that a Paul Gregory was asking the question why are Sheffielders so against The Labour Sheffield City Council?

It couldn’t possibly be because of decades of unchallenged uselessness, of them being anti-business, anti-wealth generation and anti-British, along with their complete and utter mismanagement of our city’s retail sectors that have seen us fall behind every other local competitor, could it?

Then again I noticed Paul added: “Always have, always will” to the end of his name.

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No doubt referring to his religious-like devotion to The Labour Party.

So I doubt whether he was actually asking at all, as he no doubt intends to continue to vote for them regardless of their performance.

Which is why the North continues to fail its citizens.

And before he suggests so, no I am not a Conservative supporter either, they are merely another side of the same coin of anti-free market, anti-British politicians that poison our government and country.

