New drone pictures show the main building at Junction 33 in Catcliffe is almost ready and even has a Welcome Break sign up.
Elsewhere workers appear to be putting the finishing touches to a drive thru Starbucks.
The site, which is creating 300 jobs, is set to open in January and will also have a Pret-a-Manger and KFC.
For the first time it is clear how drivers will access it.
Cars will enter from the Rotherham side of the Junction 33 roundabout. A petrol station and huge parking area indicates this is an area for truckers. A road goes under the M1 to the main services area on the Sheffield side.
An exit road links into the Parkway 300m before the Catcliffe roundabout. Despite being widened to three lanes, the road can become very busy during rush hour.
Councillor Nigel Simpson, of Brinsworth and Catcliffe ward, objected to the planning application - which was granted in 2019.
He said: “Junction 33 is reasonably smooth flowing but the slightest problem on the M1 or the M18 and ‘rush hour’ - from 7:30-9am and 4-6pm - causes almost immediate backing up and gridlock.”

1. Drone
A drone photo shows the site squeezed in between the Parkway and M1. A Welcome Break sign is visible on the building and solar panels on the roof | NW Photo: Dean

2. Rothertham side
The Rotherham side has a huge car park and petrol station. It is accessed off the Junction 33 roundabout. A road runs from top to bottom of the plot, past a pylon, leading to an underpass. | NW Photo: Dean

3. Underpass
An underpass, seen at the bottom of the picture, leads to the Sheffield side. | NW Photo: Dean

4. Exit road
The exit road, at the top of the picture, leads back to the Parkway 300m before the Catcliffe roundabout. | NW Photo: Dean