The kindness of strangers

In the final quarter of last year we were living further beyond our means in peacetime by a cool £33 billion.

No doubt it’s all Labour’s fault?

As the current Bank of England governor, Mark Carney says, we are relying on “the kindness of strangers”, foreign investors who see a good return on their capital in the UK.

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After all, the UK has one of the best-performing major economies in the world, though manufacturing is still growing slowly.

Even though services represent 79 per cent of the economy, British manufacturing, at around 11 per cent, is far from dead as our motor car industry proves.

We are currently the 11th largest manufacturing nation in the world, employing 2.6 million people and accounting for 44 per cent of our exports and 69 per cent of business research and development.

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Of course it depends on industry itself, we need more firms with the right products at the right price in the right places as soon as possible and the UK’s exit from the EU would be just the time to launch a manufacturing drive because the world would then be at our feet.

Remember we Brits can achieve anything if we put our mind to it, as proven time and time again, without being constrained of course by non-elected EU pacifists and appeasers.

Terry Palmer

South Lea Avenue, Hoyland, Barnsley, S74