Standards are rising at High School

PUPILS at a Barnsley school are reaching a satisfactory standard and are getting better, say inspectors.

Ofsted inspectors say standards at St Michael’s Catholic and Church of England High School are average and students’ achievement is satisfactory - but the picture is one of rising standards, especially at GCSE.

Students with learning difficulties or disabilities make good progress because of the quality of support for them. The school believes students who are more able are capable of doing better - something the inspection confirmed.

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Attendance is well above average, and students talked openly to inspectors about the school’s friendly ethos and the good relationships with most teachers.

Behaviour is mostly good and the quality of care and guidance is a strength. Inspectors found the school deals effectively with occasional poor behaviour, and a ‘Reflection Room’ has been introduced for students who misbehave. Ofsted says the curriculum has improved significantly since the last inspection four years ago and is now good. It is broad, balanced and well matched to students’ needs.

In particular, the vocational elements have expanded substantially and students have a good choice of academic and work-related courses. The positive impact of the new curriculum is seen in better results at Key Stage 4, especially by boys.

Headteacher Karol Grabowski provides good leadership and a clear sense of purpose.