Real life adventures beat virtual ones

A Sheffield teenager is calling on her peers to forgo virtual experiences in favour of real life adventures.

Chloe Toft, of Hackenthorpe, is encouraging teens in the city to step away from their computers and televisions and step out of their comfort zone.

Chloe, aged 17, has chosen to share her own experiences, since joining the National Citizen Service - the country’s flagship youth empowerment programme - after a recent study found over half over teenagers are afraid of new experiences are prefer spending time indoors.

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Chlow said: “Before joining NCS, I was prone to sticking to my routine and rarely tried anything new. Like many teenagers, it was easy to fall into the habit of staying indoors watching Netflix, as I was a shy person and I don’t think I realised what I was missing out on.

“Signing up to NCS was a little scary initially – I didn’t know anyone and most of the activities were completely new to me - but I’m now so glad I gave it a go. I’ve learned so much, met so many people and have really embraced trying new things. I’m now much more adventurous - even if I’m a little nervous about something, I’m willing to give it a try. It’s an experience every young person should go through – some things I’ve done, I’ll remember forever!”


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