We've listed the top pubs in the city for you to show off your knowledge in their quiz.We've listed the top pubs in the city for you to show off your knowledge in their quiz.
We've listed the top pubs in the city for you to show off your knowledge in their quiz.

Pub Quiz Sheffield: Our guide to the city’s best quiz nights – with big prizes and top beer

There’s no better feeling than being able to show off your knowledge – whether it’s general trivia, film or music, there’s the perfect pub quiz for everyone in our city.

If you’re looking for a fun night out with your friends, a new part of your weekly routine, or even an opportunity to gain some knowledge, Sheffield certainly has no shortage of pub quizzes. Of course the added bonus is that you could walk away with a free bottle of wine, a hefty cash prize, or a whopping bar tab to use at a later date.

We’ve putt together a list of the best pub quizzes dotted in and around the city centre, where you can guarantee yourself a good night.