Don't let's forget that charity begins at home

I read (Sep 24) Sheffield has been declared the UK's first city of santuary, helping refugees and asylum-seekers find a safe haven.

While I am not against helping people when they are down, there are plenty of people in this country who need help. Wouldn't it be nice if we could help those people who live in this country and have paid into it all their life before helping forigners falling on our door step?

L Butler, North Hill Road, Sheffield 5

AS a proud Sheffielder, could I please remind our councilors that before they go about opening the gates and giving away the key to all and sundry from every corner of the world, that they have issues to deal with in regards to ensuring the wellbeing of the indigenous peoples of the area.

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Firstly I would like a big improvement in education, the national health service and law and order, all of which have been stretched to the limits by this country's seemingly open-door policy to immigration.

I believe that countries such as Australia, Canada and New Zealand have a better way of dealing with immigration: basically, if they need you and you will not be a burden to the nation you are allowed in ... if not, tough!

Coun Rooney states: "Prejudice against refugees and asylum-seekers is wrong because most have been forced to leave their home countries, make extreme sacrifices and are not in the UK by choice."

What i would like to point out is, if a person does need to find sanctuary and asylum in this country they must pass through many other countries to reach our shores, so asylum should be sought at the first point of safety, not the last. So are we a safe port of call or a soft touch with a generous benefits system?

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I would also ask the council to pressure the central government into legislation that states that all immigrants of whatever nationality when convicted of a criminal offence are deported immediately after serving their time in prison.

We have enough home-grown criminals without encouraging even more to parasite this nation.

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