Don't let kids use building site as playground

REGARDING Sanctuary Housing and the refurbishment of ex-council properties in this area.

We have had an ongoing problem since work began on these houses, namely, kids, some as young as four, climbing up the scaffolding used by contractors.

Some, despite previous warnings, have actually fallen and injured themselves quite badly.

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We have called the 101 number to report this to the police and council and even visited the local Sanctuary office to report our concerns, but to no avail.

I ask all parents of children in this area and others: do you really know, or care, where your children are playing?

Do you care if your kids die enjoying a playtime occupation of who can swear the loudest and reach the highest height, quite literally roof level, and who can cause the most damage throwing building materials at playmates from this height?

What a laugh it is to see a young child, someone’s son or daughter, fall with that sickening crack that dictates the injuries sustained are fatal.

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Is this what goes through the heads of these youngsters. Is it cool to kill yourselves in this way?

Quite possibly to the parents, these are loveable rogues, little cherubs who can do no wrong but, to everyone else, they are vandals and pests who make the rest of us sick with worry at their dangerous antics.

It is also quite possible that it is children just like these who gain kicks from torturing animals and other kids.

It’s time we all took note and did something before it’s too late.

Ms Tina Hayes, Ronksley Crescent, Sheffield S5.