Council make the same mistake twice

MYERS Grove School is, and has been for the last eight or nine years a very unpopular school and it is this fact alone that has meant a fall in pupil numbers and not as we are told a general fall in the North West.

The demise of Myers Grove back goes back to the closure of its 6th form and its catchment area being widened, not to the top of Stannington as would have been sensible but to the Infirmary and Kelvin areas.

This completely de-stabilised both the school and local community, behavioural problems ensued and its bad name continues to this day.

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So what is to be done? Well most certainly not Sheffield City Council's answer of de-stabilising both the Wisewood and Marlcliffe communities; this is making the same mistake twice.

The answer:

1) Replace the 6th form at Myers Grove, (this alone would increase its popularity). Pupils from Wisewood School would move here for their 6th form.

2) Amend the existing catchment area so it encompasses all the Stannington side of the Loxley Valley. This would also relieve the pressure on Bradfield School.

This the only option for the schools but also for the road network which cannot cope even to-day when the schools are out.

Susan Thompson (a long term resident of Stannington and Wisewood)