Circus always involves misery

We are absolutely disgusted that The Don Valley Grass Bowl has decided to play host to Bobby Robert's Animal circus.

Surely people are aware by now as to the misery that animals in circuses endure incarcerated in trucks and chained for the majority of the day, not least the cruel methods of training that the circus uses. Of course the circus won't admit to this and they profess to love their animals ... if they did they wouldn't force them to perform degrading and unnatural tricks night after night.

If you want to really see what it is like for animals in circuses then visit the Captive Animals' Protection website - and see undercover footage for yourself.

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As an educator I can't find one aspect of an animal circus that is educational. Far better to watch a wildlife programme - Animal Planet and National Geographic or terrestrial television will provide plenty.

We ask you on behalf of the animals who are not given a choice, (although we can guarantee they would choose freedom in the wild) to not go to the circus.

Dr Rees Mangal and Sarah Brown, Chairperson and Vice-chairperson, South Yorkshire Animal Concerns