A case for penance

Martin Dawes got it wrong (Diary 30.08).Hairshirts are as likely to be in the Greaves or Clayton wardrobes as locusts and honey on a Dawes menu.

Strictly speaking hairshirts are for those doing penance for their sins ie flattening buildings, some listed, some not, in the vicinity of a supposed conservation area. Hammersons may not be the devil as regards the NRQ but the devil will be able to wear as much Prada as he (she?) likes, thanks to this insensitive redevelopment which warrants another thought or two.

Speaking of penance, who should don uncomfortable garments for the abject state of Dial House?

More open to the elements (soon be another winter) than many a building scheduled for demolition. Any activity in those Portacabins?

Ron, Phrophet of Doom, Clayton, S6