One size suits all philosophy

As with all physical manifestations of political ideology, and the European Union is the epitome of such, there are inevitably those of a liberal/utopian disposition who will uncritically embrace it, and conversely those of a more discerning nature, who knowing the faults, deficiencies and absurdities of the 'one size suits all'and 'we know best' philosophy of its adherents, would wish to disassociate therefrom.

Neither group is likely to change their beliefs by argument alone, but a much larger group may exist in the centre ground, who being uncertain of the outcome of the vote and the mass of confusing data promulgated by the “Stay in” campaign, need only to consider whether they wish to have their identity further eroded or their sovereignty restored, and subsequently become once again masters in their own house.

After a vote for Brexit, one could perhaps enjoy the thought that the sacrifices of two great wars were not betrayed and the union-mad gravy train riders had been given a well-deserved walloping – let’s hope so!

Ian Laurie

by email

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