My serious hiking record

Over the last three years I have being keeping a record of how many miles I have walked while exploring three National Parks, The Peak district, The Yorkshire Dales and the Lake District.

The record began on November 29, 2014 when I set out on a challenge to walk all the way from my home town of Dinnington to the Scottish border City of Carlisle. I would do this journey in stages over the next year.

From setting off I headed through the rural village of Laughton en le Morthen and Brookhouse and then faced my fear of crossing a field with horses in to enter a small wood called Longwood.

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From here I headed across the disused Thurcroft pit and then down some quiet lanes and across another field to Hellaby.

I continued through more countryside and through Hooton Roberts to end up in Mexborough where I got a bit lost trying to find the Trans Pennine Trail.

On joining the Trans Pennine trail I followed the trail all the way to Leeds and got very lost around Woodlesford and ended up visiting Rothwell and other areas before getting back on track.

Leaving Leeds I headed north towards Bramhope and through the Chevin Forest park to Menston before entering the hills to cross Ilkley Moor to reach Ilkley on Valentine’s day 2015.

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From Ilkley I followed the route of the Dales Way through Wharfedale then over the Pennine watershed to Ribblehead before dropping through Dentdale to Sedbergh to then leave the Dales and head through several fields full of cattle to Burneside on the edge of the Lake district.

I then crossed the middle of the Lake district. At one point I got seriously lost and ended up contacting mountain rescue but did not have to be rescued as I got out of the situation safe and well.

I also lost my camera on a mountain as well.

After crossing the Lake district I headed through more flat countryside to arrive in Carlisle on November 2, 2015, feeling proud of my achievement as I had walked 243 miles.

I then started another challenge on December 12, 2015, where I walked from Dinnington to the Peak District National Park twice via two different routes and then walked all over exploring different areas which I continue to do to this day.

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My favourite area is Kinder Scout which I have visited on numerous occasions. This record has totalled more than300 miles so far.

On April 4, 2016, I set out on a third challenge which was to explore the Yorkshire Dales National Park which I continue to do to today .

During this I have travelled between Dent and Dinnington where I firstly did a si- mile round walk then walked to Swallownest where my grandma lives and then walked all the way from Laughton to Retford.

Then earlier this year I had a walking holiday in Dent and Sedbergh before setting out to walk all the way down to Wombwell in Barnsley. Then I walked home from Wombwell and did another seven-mile walk before continuing to Whitwell with a detour via the Lock Keeper pub in Worksop.

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I then finally walked from Womb-well to Derwent dams visitor centre in the Peak District where I ended with a round walk.

I also visited the Lake District again for a short walking holiday quite recently clocking up an extra 60 miles.

This record has totalled over 600 miles and continues to rise.

Joining all the records together I have walked a total of 1,259 miles and this figure will continue to rise.

Christopher Bailey

by email

Triggers for grumpiness

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Is there any wonder that Clayton is becoming grumpier? Recent instances or triggers for this sad state of affairs for you gentle reader to ponder on.

The BBC TV Show, Pointless, a particularly apt title. I make no comments regarding the presenters of this ‘programme’, they speak for themselves. Suffice to say, unless my ears deceived me, I stand to be corrected, one of them recently asked a lady contestant what sort of a baby she was expecting/wanted. A human one I would expect – and a healthy one.

Nearer to home, I have just acquired a washing machine, that bears a sticker, ‘this product has been tested using water’, what else would you use? Sand/rocksalt?

In the Star yet another parent questions school uniform, what on earth does the word ‘uniform’ mean? Try the Pocket Oxford Dictionary.

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I recollect a possibly apocryphal tale of Charlie Haydock, legendary teacher from Wisewood Secondary School in the Sixties, advising a lass bold enough to put on some make up, ‘wash it off Mary’. Outdated? An infringement of human rights? Diversity? Well, he allowed Beatle jackets and sports jackets. These days he’d get representations from Doctor Billings and the latest pressure group/committee.

There’s no hope for me is there? Better start gathering me own brushwood.

Ron Clayton

Heresy House, S6

Time for real justice

We have news stories from our past that we never forget.

I can clearly remember little James Bulger being murdered in Liverpool.

I was sickened as everyone was when those two monster schoolboys had killed little James.

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Millions of pounds of tax-payers’ money has been spent trying to change their behaviour.

In youth custody they had all the help thrown at them to change their ways, it looks like it’s not worked for Jon Venables, who has been locked up again after downloading child porn.

It says in the papers he’s blown his new identity three times, so three times more money spent moving him and changing his life details.

I say enough is enough, he’s shown he cannot change and he’s been sent to prison for his disgusting behaviour, so he deserves to be locked up now for the rest of his life.

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Maybe James’ parents who fought to keep them in prison longer will get real justice now.

Jayne Grayson

by email

Christmas bonus

The Sheffield Star offices have been sold for a staggering £3.6 million.

I should have thought that the staff would be entitled to a share of the profits from the sale. After all they are the ones who make the paper what it is today. A Christmas bonus wouldn’t go amiss.

EB Warris

by email

War medal found

A WW1 Victory medal belonging to John William has been found at the war memorial in Flackwell Heath, Buckinghamshire recently and we have drawn a blank in attempts to find the owner.

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I am a war memorial researcher and would love this medal to be returned to the rightful family!

I know this is a long shot but research has shown that John William came from Wombwell and is one of the men the Barnsley Memorial Project is including.

Can you help?

Ruth Bowler