Is it that hard?

The other day I witnessed someone taking at least five minutes to use the ATM machine at the bank machine.

Is it that hard to negotiate four buttons on the screen?

Probably for some people.

Lee Johnson

by email

Battlefield pilgrimages

Each year, the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Battlefield Tours organise pilgrimages to the battle areas of the First World War.

The tours are in September with seats still available.

This year we plan to visit the Somme battlefields, the Ypres Salient, Arras, Vimy Ridge and Loos battlefield areas if requested.

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This year, 100 years ago the battles that raged were the Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele), Arras, Vimy Ridge, Messines and Cambrai.

The trips specialise in visiting specific cemeteries or memorials on the above-mentioned battlefields as and when they are requested and an experienced battlefield guide will accompany each trip to commentate on the various battles and the many historic events that occurred in the areas we visit. We can also assist people in the tracing of war graves from the First World War.

The KOYLI Battlefield Pilgrimages were formed as a charitable hobby in 1990 by ex-servicemen who have many years of practical experience in conducting visits to the First World War battlefield areas of France and Flanders and we support the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal and other institutions.

These trips are open to anyone who might be interested and we welcome all enquiries. We are a not-for- profit organisation. Anyone who requires further information should write to:-

John Battye

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32 Rhodes Street, High Town, Castleford, West Yorkshire WF10 5LL, or telephone 01977 734614. Please send a medium- sized SAE for postal replies

They protest to much

Day by day we are getting letters in our Star from followers of Sheffields second team United telling us just how rubbish the Owls are.

This has been going on ever since they managed promotion from the Third Division after six attempts.

Are they feeling that by slagging the Owls off day by day it will somehow alter Sheffield’s football history and mysteriously put them in to the number one position. Me thinks they protest to much.

Judd Newton

by email

Second-hand red rose

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I enjoyed Michael Parker’s riposte to David Blunkett, but he risks confusing us with his talk of “old New Labour”.

Being neither New nor Old Labour, we need a new term for the Corbyn variety, something that describes an artefact of a bygone era that was disparaged by its previous owners but has found a new home with people who appreciate its fundamental quality. Pre-loved Labour?

J Robin Hughes

Towngate Road, Worrall, Sheffield, S35

Misleading road signage

As you drive towards Sheffield along Middlewood Road you will see , on the right-hand side, just before Langsett Avenue, a yellow sign pointing diverted traffic to the right up Langsett Avenue. Then on the left a red sign saying road closed ahead and an arrow pointing right up Langsett Avenue.

Most drivers would surely assume that they were being diverted up Langsett Avenue and be somewhat surprised to find it closed.

Alistair Nicoll

Eastgate, Sheffield, S6

Bad news but great people

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I’m having to turn off the news, I cannot bear to see all the pain and suffering of those poor people caught up in the terrible London tower block fire, it seems lately it’s all bad news every day.

I did think what a wonderful country we live in after seeing all the donations that were received at the crisis centre in Kensington.

People brought clothes food water etc. anything to provide a bit of help.

I think it’s fantastic and shows what great people there are in Great Britain.

Jayne Grayson

by email

Fairy tale world

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Jeremy Corbyn is promising a fairy tale world that doesn’t exist. Future generations will be left to pay for his dreams.

Both Labour and Lib Dems want to carry on adding more and more to our over-populated country. We can not carry on like this.


by email

Strong economy?

I’ve no idea where Mother Theresa comes from telling us we have a strong economy.

At the supermarket I use in Dronfield, items I buy are going up in price and the large donation food bank box is constantly filled, then refilled, which is one out of three food bank donation points in a space of 200 yards. It’s the only thing thriving round here.


Kidney transplant

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I’m writing to let your readers know that in South Yorkshire there are 120 people waiting for a kidney transplant, and every single day in the UK one person will die waiting for their kidney. This has to change.

Most people don’t want to think about their kidneys, but the reality is that one in eight people will develop chronic kidney disease which can affect their general health and may ultimately mean they might need dialysis or a transplant in order to stay alive. The average time waiting for a kidney on the transplant list is three years and there are almost 30,000 people on dialysis in the UK, a treatment that leaves patients hooked up to machines for hours at a time for several days every week, which has a knock-on impact on their ability to study, work, socialise and ultimately live their lives to the full. Kidney patients constantly tell us that greater awareness of kidney disease and the impact it can have on their lives would be life-changing for them, which is why we’re calling on your readers to become kidney aware by visiting We are here to ensure that no-one in South Yorkshire has to face kidney disease alone.

Paddy Tabor MVO, chief executive, Kidney Care UK


Slippery slope

So Mrs May’s landslide became an avalanche for Mr Corbyn and Labour party members, the general public and young voters.

He has more character in one hand than the weak and wobbly should be now ex-PM has in her whole body.

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The money wasted on this election was £114 million and we are going to have another one in the next 12 months. What could the NHS do with £228 million?

Mrs May’s dodgy deal with the DUP can only cause big trouble in Ireland.

It just shows what lengths the Tories will go to in order to stay in power.

Brian Gannon
