I will be voting in

The world is a very different place to the one I grew up in during the 1950/60s.

Our great British industries, shipbuilding and coal are gone, sold to the highest bidder or a sacrifice to political/economic ideology of our Government.

We have Japanese car producers here because it was cheaper to build factories in Britain than pay import duties into Europe.

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Our steel industry teeters on the brink of collapse while the British Empire is a distant memory and the Commonwealth a shadow of what it was.

In the 21st century we go on holiday to Benidorm and eat pizza and drink lager rather than go to Bridlington to eat fish and chips with beer.

My days on this earth are numbered so I will be voting for my children and my children’s children, for future generations not for me.

We have a lifestyle our parents and grandparents could only dream about, our children we can only guess at.

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I am not prepared to put the prosperity of future generations at risk to satisfy the political ambitions of politicians with dubious ambitions.

That is why on June 23 I will be voting to stay in the EU.

Yes, the EU needs reform but that can only be done from the inside and we are not the only country that sees the need to reform, the people across Europe also see that need.

Together we can move forward, in isolation at best we stand still, at worst go backwards. To what?

E Hanson
