Hangover cures: Did you enjoy Mad Friday in Sheffield a bit too much? Here are some remedies

After Mad Friday in Sheffield, we're sure many readers have a sore head and don't want to face the world today.

So we thought we'd do a bit of digging to help you out - and NHS Choices has some great advice if you need to get out of bed and hit the shops today.

Things you should do if you have a hangover:

Dealing with a hangover involves rehydrating the body to help it deal with the painful symptoms.

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The best time to rehydrate is apparently before going to sleep after a drinking session (but it's a bit late for that) so you're going to have to get some good liquids into your system pronto. But don't reach for anything too fancy.

You should replace lost fluids by drinking bland liquids that are easy on the digestive system, such as water, soda water and isotonic drinks.

Painkillers can of course temporarily help with headaches and muscle cramps if you need to get moving quickly.

Sugary foods may help you feel less trembly. In some cases, an antacid may be needed to settle your stomach first.

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Bouillon soup, a thin vegetable-based broth, is a good source of vitamins and minerals, which can top up depleted resources.

Its main advantage is it's easy for a fragile stomach to digest.

Things you should not do if you have a hangover:

You guessed it: "Hair of the dog". Drinking more alcohol is not going to help. Drinking in the morning is a risky habit, and you may simply be delaying the appearance of symptoms until the alcohol wears off again.

If you've had a heavy drinking episode, hangover or not, doctors advise that you wait at least 48 hours before drinking any more alcohol to give your body time to recover.

And here's how to avoid a hangover next time:

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Don't drink more than you know your body can cope with. If you're not sure how much that is, be careful. Don't drink on an empty stomach.

Before you go out, have a meal that includes carbohydrates (such as pasta or rice) or fats. The food will help slow down the body's absorption of alcohol. Don't drink dark-coloured drinks if you've found you're sensitive to them.

They contain natural chemicals called congeners, which irritate blood vessels and tissue in the brain and can make a hangover worse.

Drink water or non-fizzy soft drinks in between each alcoholic drink. Carbonated (fizzy) drinks speed up the absorption of alcohol into your system. Drink a pint or so of water before you go to sleep.

Keep a glass of water by the bed to sip if you wake up during the night.

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