The future is not looking too rosy

While reflecting on the year ahead I couldn't help but think what huge problems lie ahead for Great Britain, a country I was once proud of but sadly no more as I feel the indigenous population are being treated as second-class citizens and our way of life is being eroded in order to suit newcomers to our shores.

I do not wish to sound all doom and gloom but I’m afraid the future is not looking too rosy due to housing shortages, the burden placed on the NHS, the ever-tightening stranglehold of the corrupt EU and the threat of terrorist attacks.

Our Government caves in to the demands of the EU, (in spite of David Cameron saying he would fight for changes), while paying over £50 million per day for the privilege of being told what to do and having every aspect of our lives dominated by the unelected bureaucrats of Brussels.

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Will the people of this country be allowed a fair in/out referendum as promised by the Prime Minister?

We British citizens who show concern for the burden being placed on our country by immigration are accused of being ‘racist’.

Donald Trump was recently castigated for remarking that he did not want to see any more Muslims entering the United States until stringent security checks were carried out on them.

What’s wrong with that?

We are now witnessing the disastrous effect Angela Merkel’s ‘welcome all’ policy is having on Germany as they are now unable to cope with the numbers allowed into their country.

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Closer to home here in Sheffield there are many controversial issues to address this year.

I was astonished to see The Star’s editor campaigning for HS2 to be brought to our city centre.

Do we really want or need this white elephant?

This greatly flawed project is a total waste of money and by the time of completion will no doubt be out of date.

The benefits will not outweigh the disadvantages in terms of disruption to people’s homes and businesses and the destruction it will inflict on the environment, and all to save a little journey time to London.

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Has The Star carried out a recent poll to see what percentage of the general public support this project, or how many would like to see the money spent on more important things?

Last year vast numbers of people had to campaign against the disastrous changes to the city’s bus service which beggars belief at a time when people are being encouraged to give up their cars and use public transport.

Some hope with the service we have at the moment.

We also saw Sheffield City Council ignoring a petition of more than 10,000 signatures from shocked and angry people objecting about the disgraceful massacre of roadside trees across the city.

More than 3,000 chopped down so far and mostly healthy specimens with many more than 100 years old.

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The council also disregarded a petition of 20,000 signatures, (the largest ever received), from people against the demolition of historic shops on Division Street.

I think 2016 should be the year when our elected representatives, politicians, MP’s and councillors, should start paying heed to the wishes of the general public, for this is all about democracy and the rights of people to have their voices heard by those they elect into office.

Unfortunately there is no Churchillian leader on the horizon who is tough enough to set our country on the right track, and on local issues no one in Sheffield City Council who seems prepared to utter five little words – ‘Sorry! We got it wrong’.

A happy New Year to all.

Susan Richardson

Westminster Crescent, Lodge Moor, Sheffield, S10