'Despicable' taxi driver banned from driving after blaming wife for his traffic offence

A 'despicable' taxi driver has been banned from driving for 18 months after attempting to pervert the course of justice by blaming his wife for his own traffic offence.

Ibrar Suleman's Mercedes taxi was seen driving through a red light in Sheffield in February.

Suleman eventually responded to letters and emails about the incident to claim that his wife had been the driver at the time - but an investigation found he had been working that day and had accepted a job around 40 minutes before the incident.

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Both Suleman and his wife were arrested, with the taxi driver eventually pleading guilty to attempting to pervert the course of justice.

Suleman, aged 40 and of Infirmary Road, Chesterfield, was sentenced to four months in prison, suspended for 12 months, ordered to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work and disqualified from driving for 18 months.

Judge Recorder Anthony Kelbrick told the defendant: "It is despicable that a man should drag his wife into his own offending, blame her, have her arrested, taken to the police station and interviewed for a criminal offence.

"You should be utterly and thoroughly ashamed of yourself.

"You should have better respect for your wife."