Banning bonfires

In addition to the good news (i.e. bonfires to be banned between May 1 to September 30), if not still perfect for households living next to allotment sites, on behalf of past tenants of the Longley allotment site, I offer sincere apologies for all the smoke and discomforts that you have put up with over the last 54 years.

Living by the boundary of the site you have all been affected 24/7. It will not be any consolation to you that many allotment gardeners have at times also had their visits spoiled by the selfish summer fires lit by absent selfish neighbours.

It appears to me that all but one of you have in general suffered in silence. That one threatened my neighbour with following him home to burn down his house. Such was the strength of feeling and despair.

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It is to be hoped that all major fires are restricted to the week commencing November 5, and that wet and green waste are avoided.

Back in the years before the clean air act (1968) most garden fires took place within housing estates with smoking chimneys and were not as conspicuous.

Still, most allotment tenants were very considerate, as, indeed, the majority are today.

Mike Dodgson


Spending a penny

I’m writing about your recent article on toilet charges. I don’t believe we should be charged for toilets at bus stations. We pay enough in fares already and I don’t think the 20p toilets are particularly good value for money. For people like me who may need to go several times during a trip, the price can soon add up.

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I find the toilets in Rotherham Interchange satisfactory, but the ones in Sheffield tend to be mucky and badly maintained and not worth paying for.

I seldom visit Barnsley, but when I do go, I use the free toilets in the Alhambra Centre.

I’m surprised they are making any money at all at Doncaster. There you can simply go upstairs and use the Frenchgate Centre’s free toilets, which are plentiful, cleaner and overall more pleasant. If you can’t manage to climb the stairs, there is a lift in the bus station which will take you straight to them.

Perhaps The Star could compile a list of alternative free toilets for passengers and other members of the public to use.

Stephen Coates


Make room for the car

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There is only one way of stopping drivers parking on grass verges, that is to remove the verges so as to make room for the vehicle.

In this day and age no matter what law is laid down by the council regarding parking, especially on kerbs, it gets completely ignored, as does the speed limit.

So Sheffield council start digging and then we will have a Tarmac jungle and the motorists at least will be happy.

EB Warris

by email

Not like it used to be

Turned on the Brits on the tellybox, then I realised I am 47 and music isn’t like it used to be.

Jayne Grayson

by email

The perfect panto

Did you miss it?

What a shame if you did.

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Goldilocks and The Three Bears, The panto was presented by the Barnby Dun Players in the Parish Hall.

My family and I went along to see this year’s production. What a magical show, a cross between a panto and a musical, it was excellent.

From the start, we all joined in, (I lost my voice).

This is their 33rd panto, of which I have seen at least 20. All were excellent.

This year’s though was tuned to perfection!

Well done all.

Ann Matters-Angel

Barnby Dun

Ask the people again?

Interesting to read John Singleton’s letter, (February 22), re the people should have the final say on any Brexit deal done.

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I suspect, he being a remainer, hopes the decision to leave would somehow be overturned as the final negotiated settlement would never be good enough for the remainers, ever.

He obviously has not read the letter from Mary Steel, (February 21), regarding trade, regulations etc., with the EU and others which ‘puts to bed all the ‘waffle’ and non-proven facts from Veronica Hardstaff (January 25), and many others who believe we should continue to be run by unelected EU bureaucrats.

How anyone after digesting Mary Steel’s researched facts still want to be ruled by people we have no say over or about, non-elections etc., beggars belief.

If the majority Brexiters are forced by the minority remainers to have a say on the final outcome why not a simple YES or WALK AWAY on the ballot paper?

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Would that scenario placate John Singleton and the minority voting remainers?

I rather believe not.

What about when we don’t like the outcome of our own sovereign Parliamentary elections should we keep repeating them monthly till we get it right?

At the last election Corbyn’s Momentum Marxist Labour party came close but lost and won fewer seats than the Tory ‘nasty party’. Should we have had a re-run?

Terry Palmer

South Lea Avenue, Hoyland, Barnsley, S74

Association reignited

Doncaster Unite the Union Retired Members Association has had a new lease of life.

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We would like to inform all retired members of Unite that we have reignited the association and would welcome all new and old members to our monthly meetings, which are held on the second Tuesday of each month at the Trades and Labour Club, Doncaster.

For further information contact the branch secretary, Paul Smillie on 07595 314613.

Paul Smillie

by email