Back To The Future - what it got right...and wrong

Confused? Well, let me explain.
For today is officially Back To The Future Day - a celebration of October 21, 2015 the exact date which Marty, star of the hit 1980s time travel movie franchise Back To The Future, and pal Doc Emmett Brown, zoomed forward to in the second part of the film series.
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Back when the flick was shot in the mid 80s, 2015 probably seemed a long way off - indeed, nearly thirty years have now passed since it was a hit at box offices around the globe.
So what did the movie predict right about 2015 and what did it get wrong?
We’ve taken a fun look at what producer Steven Spielberg correctly predicted about how we’d be living our lives today - and what he missed out on.
Back To The Future predicted that keys would be a thing of the past - and indeed, many homes nowadays are controlled by smart locks, fingerprint technology and codes - and you can even use your smartphone to gain access to your property.
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Hide AdThe same scene in the movie also shows video calling - and of course, apps such as Skype and FaceTime have made that a reality and not just a 1980s pipedream. Now seeing someone while you talk to them is commonplace.
In 2015, Marty keeps in touch with what’s going on by picking up a newspaper. And while many of us now rely on the web and smartphones to be kept abreast of current affairs, there’s still a place for the humble newspaper.
The movie also showcases high-tech goggles - and while we’re not all quite seeing life through lasers lenses yet, hi-tech products such as Google Glass are now starting to mark a splash in the marketplace.
Gaming plays a big role in Back To The Future. Marty loves a gun game at his local arcade, which he later spots in the film’s version of 2015.
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Hide AdHe’s still a “crack shot” at the game, but the futurekids ridicule him for having to use his hands while he plays.
In 2015, we do have games you can play without your hands thanks to neural headsets, but they’re still a little in the production phase. What the film did get right is that we still have a love of retro gaming in 2015 with Pac Man, Space Invaders and the recent movie Pixels proving there’s still an old skool market out there.
Marty stumbles around Hill Valley at the start of the film, bewildered by the future. While there, he’s “eaten” by a 3D shark that pops out of a cinema hoarding.
And of course, seeing a movie in 3D, armed with your Roy Orbison style glasses, is now very much in vogue - in fact, you don’t even have to go to the cinema to do so either, just sit back in your own home and let the action unfold before your eyes.
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Hide AdHowever, there are just as many things that haven’t materialised as those that did.
The biggest miss was flying cars, a staple of every future world and time travel flick - but we’re still waiting - and it doesn’t seem like they will be here anytime soon.
And self-adjusting clothes are a no-no either. Marty’s jacket from BTTF2 automatically resizes to fit him - but if you want a snugger fitting jacket or pair of trousers, then the only way is still to drop into your local neighbourhood tailor.
Oh and there’s no such thing as self-tying laces either - although Nike boffins have produced a pair to tie in with the anniversary date, in much the same way that smart-thinking Pepsi bosses have dreamed up special promotional bottles of Pepsi Perfect, the drink quaffed by Marty in the movie.
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Hide AdWhich brings us to the big one, the one facet of BTTF that everyone seems to recall - and which everyone wanted by 2015.
Sadly, hoverboards, as much as we might want them, are not really a thing that, excuse the pun, have taken off.
In the film, we see Marty steal a hoverboard from a small girl on the street. It works everywhere except on water.
In the real 2015, hoverboards have yet to properly appear and the “real” ones only work on magnetic surfaces.
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Hide AdLexus has a “hoverboard” that actually hovers, but it needs magnets and a whole lot of coolant to work. Skateboard guru Tony Hawk has tested a “hoverboard”, but it’s really just a tiny take on a traditional hovercraft. You’ll also see reports of so-called “hoverboards” in the media this year to capitalise on the BTTF hype, but those are just handle-free Segways.
Will we have to wait another thirty years to see them? Make sure you jump aboard your hoverboard and whizz forward to 2045 when no doubt this paper will be beamed directly into your brain to find out!