We've put together a gallery of the nicknames Sheffield is known by, with nine listed here.We've put together a gallery of the nicknames Sheffield is known by, with nine listed here.
We've put together a gallery of the nicknames Sheffield is known by, with nine listed here.

Sheffield’s many nicknames - from Black Sheffield to England's largest village

Sheffield is one the biggest cities in the UK – and that brings a selection of nicknames for the place.

Some nicknames we gave ourselves, others were given to us by others or social commentators. Some are affectionate, used to highlight some of this city’s greatest achievements, and others less so.

Before it was known by any of these names, or even Sheffield itself, the city was known as Escafeld, the name used for what is now the city when it was an Anglo-Saxon village, at the time of Domesday Book in 1086.

Since then it has gone on to pick up a liberal helping of nicknames, and here are eight of the better known ones – and one we think should be added.

Since then it has gone on to pick up a liberal helping of nicknames, and here are eight of the better known ones – and one we think should be added.