Remembering when Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp rocked Sheffield - in pictures

Actor Johnny Depp could reprise his role as Captain Jack Sparrow in a sixth Pirates of the Caribbean film.

Depp was last on the big screen playing the eccentric pirate in 2017 in the film ‘Dead Men Tell No Tales. Jerry Bruckheimer, the producer behind the film series, was asked about the possibility of Depp returning in the next Pirates of The Caribbean film.

Bruckiemer was talking about it during a Q&A session with Entertainment Weekly at the Oscars earlier this week and when asked about a potential return for Depp, he said: “We’ll see. I would love it. I would love to have him in the movie – that’s all that I can tell you.”

Depp will be well known to Sheffield people, not just for his talents on screen, but also for his guitar playing skills as he made a surprise appearance in the Steel City in May last year.

The actor and musician appeared on stage at the City Hall to perform a few songs with guitar hero Jeff Beck. The duo sang together on Isolation, a cover of a John Lennon song the pair released together in 2020.

Here’s a collection of pictures looking back on that night.