Some of Sheffield's mot popular restaurants in the 1960sSome of Sheffield's mot popular restaurants in the 1960s
Some of Sheffield's mot popular restaurants in the 1960s

Sheffield retro: The restaurants we enjoyed dining at in the 1960s, including Capri, Hallmark and Kenwood

Dining out has changed considerably since the 1960s and not always for the better.

While some gastronomic innovations have made the culinary world a richer place, there are many we could have done without. Six decades on, the key to making a meal out truly memorable remain the same – quality ingredients cooked with love and precision and served with a smile.

We’ve taken a look back through the archives at some of the restaurants which were popular with diners in Sheffield during the 60s – a time before McDonald’s had made it into the UK. The restaurants featured in this retro photo gallery include the Vulcan at the old Hallam Tower Hotel, Hopkinson’s Capri in Sheffield city centre and the Hallmark Restaurant at the old Gaumont Cinema.

All photos are courtesy of Picture Sheffield.

All photos are courtesy of Picture Sheffield.

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