Our picture gallery shows 18 of the biggest crowds to turn out in SheffieldOur picture gallery shows 18 of the biggest crowds to turn out in Sheffield
Our picture gallery shows 18 of the biggest crowds to turn out in Sheffield

Sheffield retro: 20 iconic Sheffield crowd pictures, including Owls cup win, Blades promotion and huge gigs

FA Cup joy, promotion delight, and some of Sheffield’s biggest ever gigs – these pictures show massive crowds in the city.

We have put together a fascinating gallery showing some of the biggest crowds to have gathered in the city, showing people getting together in vast numbers for a whole host of reasons.

Some of them are for vast celebrations, including some by the city’s huge football clubs, Sheffield United and Sheffield Wednesday. Others have seen people gather to enjoy top level entertainment at enormous venues in the city, often taking in some of the biggest names in showbusiness.

Our gallery shows 20 such occasions, which are sure to bring back memories for many of those who were among the throng.

If you look carefully, you may spot some familiar faces in the crowds shown below.

They go back pretty much from the present day all the way back to the 1930s.

Our gallery shows 20 such occasions, which are sure to bring back memories for many of those who were among the throng.