Pictured are some of the craziest attempts to break a world record in SheffieldPictured are some of the craziest attempts to break a world record in Sheffield
Pictured are some of the craziest attempts to break a world record in Sheffield

Sheffield retro: 19 of the most bonkers world record attempts in Sheffield from the 1990s to now

We’ve all dreamed of breaking a world record but few of us have ever done anything about it.

Let’s face it, not many of us are blessed with the natural talent of sporting greats like Usain Bolt or the sheer guts of daredevils such as motorcycle legend Evel Knievel. So to earn our place in the record books, us mere mortals must come up with increasingly obscure and bizarre feats to achieve.

That’s something Sheffield folk have excelled themselves at over the years – from the most people bouncing on Space Hoppers to the biggest sausage and mash or the greatest number of ‘living dolls’ in shop windows. Here we salute those bold and inventive Sheffielders down the decades who have attempted to break all manner of world records. Whether they’ve succeeded or failed, at least they gave it a go.

Who knows, maybe one of these world record attempts featured in our retro photo gallery will inspire you to give it a bash.

Who knows, maybe one of these world record attempts featured in our retro photo gallery will inspire you to give it a bash.

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