Horse-drawn trams ran in Sheffield from 1873 to 1902 and the first generation electric tramway ran from 1899 to October 1960. This gallery of photos takes a look back to the very early days of the Sheffield tram through to the very last tram in October 1960.

17. Procession
Last tram procession, a tram conductor in 1873 costume hands out tickets to The Master and Mistress Cutler (Mr and Mrs C H T Williams), the Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress (Ald & Mrs H Slack) and A V Wolstenholme Photo: Sheffield Newspapers Ltd

18. Scrapped
Tram No 531 is reduced to scrap at the Tinsley Scrap Depot of TW Ward Limited, October 10, 1960 Photo: Archive @ Sheff Newspaper