Angling, football, netball, ice hockey and more are all featured in this Retro gallery of photographs from the 1990s. Can you recognise anyone you know?

1. Trophy
Adam Williams (right) winner of the Doug Dey Trophy with some of his classmates of 8HT at Myers Grove School, June 12, 1996 Photo: Barry Richardson

2. School Sports
Sheffield Federation for School Sports, Handsworth Grange School, Handsworth. The winners line up for their picture, October 15, 1999 Photo: Andrew Partridge (staff)

3. U-13 team
Sheffield Schools FA awards at Handsowrth WMC. Pictured the boys U-13 team, with captain, Chris Shirtcliffe (left), June 1998 Photo: Roger Nadal

4. Junior Squad
South Yorkshire Netball Junior Squad, pictured, back row: J.Temple, H.Wilson, K.Hughes, R.Patrick, J.Lee, L.Skillington. Front row: D.Rasbuary, V.Doyle, G.Newboult, D.Bint and T.Roddis. February 1997 Photo: Barry Richardson