There was plenty to celebrate in Sheffield in 2003, as these photos showThere was plenty to celebrate in Sheffield in 2003, as these photos show
There was plenty to celebrate in Sheffield in 2003, as these photos show

Sheffield retro: 13 photos of city life in 2003 to make you smile, from pub openings to transatlantic flight

It can seem like there’s little to smile about today, with the cost-of-living crisis, the war in Ukraine and the climate catastrophe.

So we’ve wound the clock back 20 years to happier times in 2003 (yes it really was that long ago). Sure, people had their problems back then, but we’ve tried to focus on the positives from the year in which England became rugby world champions, a young Cristiano Ronaldo made his debut for Manchester United and ‘Dirty’ Den Watts returned to EastEnders 14 years after he was supposedly killed off.

We’ve picked some of the best retro photos from our archives of celebrations in Sheffield that year, including a wedding reception on the ice, a new pub opening, an amazing transatlantic journey and a school’s big anniversary bash. Do you recognise any of the faces pictured and do any of the events featured bring back happy memories, or do they simply make you feel old (apologies if it’s the latter)?