Protesters demonstrate against Liberal MP David Alton's Abortion Bill in Sheffield in January 1988.  This Bill wanted to reduce the time limit a woman could procure an abortion down to 18 weeks from 28 weeks. The Bill also coincided with the twentieth anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act in 1967.Protesters demonstrate against Liberal MP David Alton's Abortion Bill in Sheffield in January 1988.  This Bill wanted to reduce the time limit a woman could procure an abortion down to 18 weeks from 28 weeks. The Bill also coincided with the twentieth anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act in 1967.
Protesters demonstrate against Liberal MP David Alton's Abortion Bill in Sheffield in January 1988. This Bill wanted to reduce the time limit a woman could procure an abortion down to 18 weeks from 28 weeks. The Bill also coincided with the twentieth anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act in 1967.

Sheffield retro: 11 pictures that capture life in the city in 1988

A search of our archives brings you these 12 pictures from 1988.

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