Demolition of Talbot (left) and Cliffe Blocks, Kenninghall Mount, Park Grange Road, Norfolk Park, Sheffield on April 29, 2001. Ref no: v01565Demolition of Talbot (left) and Cliffe Blocks, Kenninghall Mount, Park Grange Road, Norfolk Park, Sheffield on April 29, 2001. Ref no: v01565
Demolition of Talbot (left) and Cliffe Blocks, Kenninghall Mount, Park Grange Road, Norfolk Park, Sheffield on April 29, 2001. Ref no: v01565

10 landmark Sheffield buildings and institutions we have lost over the years - including the Egg Box, Kelvin Flats, plus blocks at Norfolk Park and Hyde Park

Sheffield was once called the City on the Move in a famous promotional film that featured at the start of the film The Full Monty.

These pictures from Sheffield Archives show just a few of the buildings that have disappeared, including the Sheffield Town Hall Egg Box, Kelvin Flats and blocks at Norfolk Park and Hyde Park.

Many images are for sale on the archives website at Picture Sheffield ( – search using the reference number in the caption.