Well-loved support group calls for knitters to give a helping hand for Sheffield’s new mums

A well-loved charity has called on Sheffield knitters to lend a hand and support new mothers.

Working through local churches and community groups to provide essential infant equipment, clothing and toiletries to families living in poverty, Sheffield’s Baby Basics aims to help families in need.

Now a call has gone out for donations of knitted cot blankets for six-month-old infants as the group is running low.

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The organisation was set up in 2009 in Sheffield as a response unit to the alleviate the financial troubles of struggling mothers. Sheffield’s lead midwife, worked daily with clients who were struggling to get the things they needed.

Shocked by stories of women humiliated in hospital because they couldn’t afford sanitary wear for after the birth of their babies and knowing that things had to change, she approached Rachel Atkinson, leader of the under fives work at Kings Centre Church in Sheffield.

From small conversations to budding plans they grew a clothing bank and now Baby Basics give away hundreds of items each year to women in many different and difficult circumstances and successfully opening multiple centres all over the UK.

Working with midwives, health visitors and other professional groups to provide support directly where it is most needed, Baby Basics volunteers collect, sort and package a ‘Moses Basket’ of clothing, toiletries and essential baby equipment as gift to new mothers.

You can donate at 267 Glossop Road, Broomhall or ocntact them via social media.

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