The latest figures are out for how well Sheffield's pupils did at their GCSEs in the 2023-2024 academic year.
The Star has compiled and ranked the top 11 secondary schools by their Attainment 8 scores in the gallery below.
In December, the Department for Education published the ‘Attainment 8’ scores for England’s schools.
This is a score schools get based on how well pupils have performed in up to eight qualifications, made up of a combination of English, maths, sciences, computer science, history, geography and languages, and other qualifications.
Alongside those are figures for how many pupils earned at least a Grade 5 in English and maths, as well as the number of pupils who entered 'EBacc' - shorthand for if pupils study English, maths, sciences, a language, and either history or geography
They are not the official metric the Government uses to gauge how well a school is doing - but they do give a good insight into what kind of grades pupils get at each school in Sheffield.
They are worth comparing to the actual data the Government uses to examine schools - the Progress 8 scores, which The Star revealed and ranked last month.
Sadly, as is reflected in the Progress 8 scores, Sheffield’s secondary schools largely appear to be performing behind the rest of the country.
The Star has listed the 11 schools in the city that earned Attainment 8 scores above or on par with the rest of the country’s average of 45.9 - but that leaves 17 secondary schools, more than half of the city's offering, earning grades lower than the national average.
And while Sheffield has standouts like Mercia School earning one of the highest scores for grades in the country - 69.4 - and despite high flyers like High Storrs, Tapton and Silverdale, the city also has Fir Vale School scoring just 25.5, close to half the national average, where just a quarter of pupils earn a Grade 5 in both English and maths.
2024’s GCSE students would have been in Year 7 when the Covid-19 pandemic struck in 2020.
All but one of Sheffield’s secondary schools are now operated by a Multi-Academic Trust.