Still plenty of life left

Save the trees campaign on Rustlings Road in SheffieldSave the trees campaign on Rustlings Road in Sheffield
Save the trees campaign on Rustlings Road in Sheffield
Apocalypse Now for Vera and Ted Limetree of Rustlings Road?

It’s a hundred years since Vera and I met

But there’s plenty of life in the ‘old trees’ yet.

We both have wrinkles but she doesn’t mind mine

And her bumps and bulges they suit me just fine

I’m aware my old trunk may keep expanding

And I’m a bit stooped but hey “I’m still standing”

Of course we sometimes argue as couples do

But we soon come round to the others view

She didn’t like wearing a heart “Save Me” sign

But she wore hers when I wore mine

You’ll have seen our pictures in The Star

And you all can see how happy we are

But Amey searched around today looking for a drain

They didn’t mean to cause my roots such pain

Now I’m not usually one to make a fuss

But it’s clear the chainsaw’s coming next for us

Rustlings Road is to close for ‘pruning’ I hear

Let’s hope that doesn’t mean we all disappear

But better to prune a branch or bough

Than turn Rustlings Road into Apocalypse Now

Ted Limetree

Rustlings Road