'Somebody could've been killed' - Part of lift comes crashing through the roof in Doncaster Royal Infirmary

A part of a lift fell through the roof at Doncaster Royal InfirmaryA part of a lift fell through the roof at Doncaster Royal Infirmary
A part of a lift fell through the roof at Doncaster Royal Infirmary
People inside Doncaster Royal Infirmary had a lucky escape after part of a hospital lift came crashing through the roof.

It's understood workmen were carrying out some maintenance on a lift inside DRI when the incident took place on the ninth floor.

Craig Hodgkiss, 50, from Tickhill, was visiting his wife in hospital when the incident took place.

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Photo: Tony SmithPhoto: Tony Smith
Photo: Tony Smith

He said: "I was nearby and what looked like one of the lift gears came through the roof.

"Something like this shouldn't happen, somebody could've been killed if they were right under it."

Tony Smith, another person who witnessed the incident said: "I thought there was a earthquake and this came through the ceiling at level 9 in Doncaster hospital. Glad nobody was waiting for lift or getting out because it would have killed them out right."

Doncaster & Bassetlaw NHS Foundation Trust who run the hospital, has been contacted for a comment.