Officer in charge of Sheffield fatal hit and run: '˜Come forward and let's give the family some peace'

Sgt Donna Roden. Picture: Scott MerryleesSgt Donna Roden. Picture: Scott Merrylees
Sgt Donna Roden. Picture: Scott Merrylees
The officer in charge of a fatal hit and run in Sheffield has pleaded for people who saw the car which left a 28-year-old woman for dead to get in touch.

Sgt Donna Roden, of South Yorkshire Police's roads policing unit, said officers had been piecing together CCTV footage and sightings of a grey Fiat Bravo, which hit and killed Naomi Anna Colcomb when she was crossing St Mary's Gate at around 1.50am on Saturday, October 13.

Two men '“ aged 51 and 24 '“ have both been arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving but have both been released under investigation.

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Sgt Donna Roden. Picture: Scott MerryleesSgt Donna Roden. Picture: Scott Merrylees
Sgt Donna Roden. Picture: Scott Merrylees

Sgt Roden said: 'I would like to take members of the public back to the early hours of that Saturday. If they cast their mind back it was raining quite heavily but we do know that the vehicle went on Ecclesall Road about five minutes before the collision.

'We know that it went onto Bramall Lane and that approximately two-and-a-half hours after the accident, it was reported as being on fire in the Heeley Green area.'

Sgt Roden said the front of the car was damaged on the driver's side and the headlight was also not working as a result of the collison.

She said the police still needed information about where the car was between leaving Bramall Lane, where CCTV showed it overtaking going past the Sheffield United ground, and it being burnt out in Heeley.

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She added: 'Those in the car most certainly will have known they have been in a serious accident.

'It was a big impact and there's no question they will have known they were in a collision.

'Come forward and let's deal with this and let's bring some peace to the family.'

Anyone with any information should call police on 101, quoting incident number 98 of October 13 or call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111.